The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 555: An unforeseen ceremony mishap

Chapter 555: An unforeseen ceremony mishap

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan nodded earnestly and answered.

"Aye, I’ve already revealed my intentions to Mr Gibbs. It will be better for him to explain to you."

"Gibbs?" Jack Sparrow glanced towards his old mate, who was presently dealing with a mug of golden rum. Brimming with displeasure, Captain Jack snatched the mug from Joshamee’s hand and gulped down several mouthfuls.

Then, he earnestly inquired.

"You ought to distance yourself from rum. Thus, it is mine now. Joshamee, it is time for you to inform me of Seaman Yan’s intentions."

Hiccupping from the rum, Joshamee glared angrily and chided.

"Return the rum to me! Aye alright, just leave a sliver for me. Seaman’s story goes like this. That time when he got cursed…"

After Joshamee concluded his long-winded story, Jack Sparrow chuckled gently.

"So this means you wish to deal with my beloved, the Black Pearl."

Sheyan replied insipidly.

"Speaking in current context, it is already a beloved who is moaning mellowly on another’s bed."

Jack curled his lips and responded.

"The world is always filled with surprises and betrayals. She will be mine again. Aye Seaman Yan, you know there be no free lunch in this world. Show me some substance that can move me heart."

Sheyan raised a finger.

"Ten thousand guineas."

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"Carry on."

Sheyan raised his second finger.

"An amazing beauty, who even served in the British Royal Navy not too long ago. Mister Gibbs here can testify."

Joshamee glanced at Sheyan and replied.

"If ye be talking about the Hill Maiden, that truly is one splendid ship." The poor Joshamee Gibbs, who had all along been coping himself inside taverns, had no clue of the devastating damages dealt to the Hill Maiden by Ammand. Right now, Jack Sparrow appeared to be slightly moved. Sheyan then added another straw that would possibly collapse the camel’s back.

"Excluding those; in view of our friendship Mister Sparrow, I will gift twenty british marine forged equipments to you. These goods would be worth 20,000 guineas in Tortuga."

Actually, Sheyan wasn’t lying to Captain Jack. However, he had omitted the different changes of the Hill Maiden, and the fact that those twenty sets of british marine equipments were actually washed out goods; equipments he purchased back at the auction for several hundreds of guineas.

Sheyan didn’t allow Jinkuang to show himself for this transaction. The reason for this was simple. Jack Sparrow’s charm wasn’t to be trifled with, and could possibly easily terminate Jinkuang’s charm effects.

"Fine then, we have a deal." Captain Jack Sparrow reached out his hand with suave. After accomplishing their deal, he then explained to Sheyan.

"You’re a captain now. Therefore, I believe you can understand the emotions a captain feels for his ship, even a ship that belonged to him previously. As such, I am unable to directly divulge the intrinsic nature of my beloved to you, just like how you wouldn’t reveal your wife’s curves to others. Yet I can only provide you with a name. Whatever you desire can be found through his mouth, because the Black Pearl was built by his forefather!" Sheyan squinted his eyes and replied.

"But, I don’t trust that he will reveal what I desire to me."

"He will, assuredly he will." Jack Sparrow sincerely urged. Then, he stuck his fingers into his mouth and pulled forcefully, finally extracting out a golden tooth still dripping with saliva.

"Bring this keepsake with you, and look for emporium master Shawen at Port Royal, the 10th shop of Nathan street."

Sheyan nodded.

"Your reputation ranks supremely amongst men, Mister Jack. If I was a lass, I would surely guard against being gullible with you. Wait wait, the 10th shop of Nathan street? Where did I hear of that damned location before?!! Right, my respected Mister Sparrow, when did you last visit your source?"

Jack Sparrow hesitated a little before answering.

"Eight years ago, I borrowed 200 guineas from his shop."

"Afterwards, you neither met him again nor returned his money aye?" Sheyan speechlessly questioned.

"Mister Sparrow, it isn’t my intent to pressure you to sell out your beloved. Yet the cruel reality remains that as of now, the 10th shop of Nathan street was owned by a brat named Chris. To my knowledge, he has utterly no relations with Shawen. Right now, the custody of the shop has been seized by the governor or perhaps is now the private property of a judge."

Hearing this variation, Jack Sparrow was reacted blankly. Then, he sighed regretfully.

"Then I truly apologize for I didn’t know things would change to this state. Let us cancel the deal then."

At present, Sheyan truly had no other alternatives but to shrug his shoulders and sigh.

"Alright fine, blame this on our companionship aye? There’s a phrase in the east, words spoken weigh heavier than nine bowls of rice. Pass your golden tooth to me, I’ll look for the whereabouts of Mister Shawen myself."

Jack and Joshamee then gazed at Sheyan with a faint shred of gratitude. Truthfully speaking, the current Jack Sparrow was experiencing an impoverished state. In the movie, his first harvest was when he joined forces with Will Turner to commandeer a navy ship.

Under normal circumstances, it goes without saying the risk involved with commandeering a navy ship. One just needed to reflect on the consequence of stealing a sedan in any public security bureau. If he had other alternatives, why would Jack Sparrow risk his life to walk such a treacherous path? Hence, this aid provided by Sheyan to him now was truly sending charcoal in a snowy weather.

After receiving information he required from Jack, Sheyan didn’t bother to speak superfluous words of recruitment. He knew that with his current state, it was impossible to recruit Jack. After tasting their mugs of rum, they parted ways.

In this manner, Sheyan also avoided a confrontation with the other contestants. Undoubtedly, it remained difficult for two fists to overcome four enemies. Conspiring to ‘dominate’ Jack Sparrow would certainly incur the public’s fury.

Sheyan had already demonstrated his capabilities previously, but too unyielding a spirit may result in an object snapping. Therefore, after accomplishing his goal, he cordially separated from Jack Sparrow. Anyway, Sheyan’s wings was already abundantly developed, and within his plans, the assistance of Jack Sparrow wasn’t a necessity.

The congregated white sails were initially despairing. Yet after noticing Sheyan and his group departing from Jack Sparrow, with even Joshamee following Jack, the contestants instantly flocked over jovially. They would definitely be able to reap certain benefits from those two major storyline characters, or perhaps, at least they could commit actions in accordance to the storyline progression!

This was indeed what Sheyan desired to observe; to cast all attention back towards Jack Sparrow. In this manner, his own operations would be given less attention.


When the group returned to Port Royal, Captain Norrington’s promotion ceremony had just commenced. This promotion ceremony was held at the entrance of the governor’s mansion.

Not only were many spectating, a thousand red and white striped marines were standing orderly and in attention; hoisting up long cutlassess and Mauser rifles in neat rows. One could describe this scene of swords and rifles as akin to a forest of exuberant power and influence!

Norrington and Governor Swann were standing on the ceremonial podium ahead, receiving the protection of weapons and the admirations of everyone.

By the left of the podium sat several local noblemen, while maidens dressed in Victorian corset gowns and wide hats sat on the right. They would shade their cheeks with circular fans, and the governor’s daughter, Elizabeth Swann, sat within the core of the maidens.

At present, Norrington and Swann both wore blue buttoned coats, coats that would be differentiated as swallow-tailed coats in the generations to come. Over it, they wore a white fleece vest that appeared rather cordial. In this era, males wore full stockings. Different from the present era was that those stockings would barely overshoot the knees, and fully portray the curve of their calfs.

Norrington stood to the left of Swann, while Governor Swann gifted Norrington with a sword; a symbol of authority that he had meticulously ordered to forge. Henceforth, this expression indicated his smooth promotion to Commodore.

Those marine guards of honor unanimously released fire; demonstrating the procession etiquette of declaring Norrington’s official promotion to Commodore, where his men could now hold authority of organizing their own fleets. The marines under his command would rise with him.

After the ceremony concluded, the masses started dispersing. Meanwhile, the debutantes remained shading their mouths as they giggled with each other. Then, they lifted their gowns as they prepared to board their carriages.

Port Royal was a harbour constructed on mountainous terrain, where the buildings constructed appeared in irregular arrangement but with charming effect. The port regions, merchant districts and residential areas were all comprised of short and low buildings.

At present, there were several banners of buildings standing ahead of the governor’s mansion. Some appeared splendorous and majestic, while others had lost their luster over the years. Nevertheless, they appeared with a solemn historic significance built up throughout years of caressing by the sea breeze, beneath the white clouds and the blue sky.

Therefore, not a single person noticed.

On the roof of a rather shabby and worn out building, three individuals were laying in ambush. Those three had disguised themselves with random furniture junk, thus successfully concealing their bodies.

Right now, only rifle barrels and scopes were extending out. It was difficult to attract the attention of others.

Suddenly, the rifles spat out glaring fiery tongues!

Those three had opened fire simultaneously. They were actually all marksmen of the same kind! Though only three rifles had concurrently fired, they unleashed a terrifying momentous as though a hurricane was sweeping through!

The rifles they employed had all been specially modified, where its blueprints were based on the Counter strike rifle, Sauer SG-552 Commando (B32). Its effective range and bullets had undergone special enhancing, and the bullets were installed with explosive warheads!

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